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BBA US Dolar

Ringkasan Informasi Produk dan Layanan (RIPLAY) Versi Umum

Tabungan BBA US Dollar is a saving in USD that can be used in business, travelling, and also for investing.


  • There is no monthly administration fee
  • Cash can be withdrawn as USD Bank Note without any charges up to the amount of withdrawal of USD 10,000
  • Safe, practical, and profitable


  • Individual Customer
  • The initial deposit of USD 100
  • Minimum balance of USD 100
  • Minimum subsequent deposit of USD 10
  • At each withdrawal (cash / debit account), Savers must indicate the Passbook
  • Transactions of BBA US Dollar Savings can be made online except for cash withdrawals in USD Bank Note which can only be done at the Branch / Branch helper of the initial account opening

Documents Required

Fill out and Sign :

  1. Customer Data Form
  2. Account Opening Application Form
  3. General Conditions Account Opening
  4. Sample Signature Card

Terms and Conditions

  1. Withdrawal exceeded USD 10.000,- in one month will be charge with Provisional fee.
  2. Withdrawal USD in Cash can only be done Account Application Office.

Attached Documents

  • Individuals

Identity Card (ID card, driver's license, passport, Temporary Living Permit (KIMS), Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS)

  • Joint Account

Identity Card of each account holder
