

Exchange Rate


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SKBDN Import

Provisions and Fees

No. Remarks Amount of Fee
1.  Commission of SKBDN Issuance per 3 months :   0,125% min IDR 300.000,- + SWIFT fee IDR 100.000,-
2.  Commission of SKBDN Change :    
 - Change of Value   0.125% min IDR 150,000,- + SWIFT Fee IDR 60,000,- or Post Fee IDR 15,000,-
 - Other Changes   IDR 150,000,- + SWIFT Fee IDR 60,000,- or Post Fee IDR 15,000,-
3.   - Cable / SWIFT   IDR 50,000,-
 - Post   IDR 15,000,-
4.  Cancellation of SKBDN   IDR 150,000,- + SWIFT Fee IDR 60,000,- or Post Fee IDR 15,000,-
5.  Completion of Document   IDR 30,000 + RTGS Fee IDR 25,000,-
6.  Acceptance of SKBDN Draft per 3 months (Usance L/C)   0.5% min IDR 300,000,-
