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Retirement Savings

Tabungan Pensiun is a saving account targeted for retired government employees and military force for pension.


  • Fitted with attractive interest
  • Without any initial deposit
  • Free administrative fees


  • Tabungan Pensiun is opened for customers or heirs (successors), on pension received from PT. TASPEN or PT. ASABRI each month
  • With a minimum balance of IDR 2,500,-

Terms and Condition

  • If there is no transaction in 6 (six) months, the account will be considered as Inactive Account and will be charged with a fee.
  • If there is no receiver for the pension, the fund will be returned to PT. TASPEN or PT. ASABRI.

Documents Required

  • Opening of Tabungan Pensiun Account for PT. TASPEN MUST fill out and sign :
    • Opening Form of Tabungan Pensiun
    • Salary Retirement Decision card
    • A copy of ID card
    • Statement Form of payment through the account (SP3R) of PT. TASPEN and submitted to the Office of PT.TASPEN
  • Opening of Tabungan Pensiun account for PT. ASABRI MUST fill out and sign:
    • Form of Opening a Tabungan Pensiun
    • Data Card of Pension Recipient
    • Statement Form of Retirement Payments through the account (SP3R) of PT. ASABRI and submitted to the office of PT.ASABRI
