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Phone Payment Service


1. Facilitate Customers and non-Customers to pay phone bills         

2. Cooperation between Bank Bumi Arta and Telkom in each city / branch    

3. Terms and Conditions of Payment                                                                               

    a. Application for transfer of payment of telephone bills to Bank Bumi Arta MUST be done
         before the 20th of each month to prevent late payments to TELKOM

    b. Customer
         - shall in advance sign up by filling out a Debit Power of Attorney form.
              (Only applicable in KPO Tanah Abang, Kopi Branch, and Prince Jayakarta Branch)

         - Attach a copy of the last payment receipt from TELKOM                             

     c. For Non Customer
         - Depositing by cash at Kopi Branch
         - Attach a copy of the last payment receipt from Telkom   
