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Remuneration and Nomination Commitee

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Remuneration and Nomination Commitee

gambar_Ir. Rachmat M.S., MBA

Ir. Rachmat M.S., MBA


Indonesian citizen, born in 1944. Completed his education in the Faculty of Engineering of the Trisakti University in 1973 majoring in Mechanical Engineering in 1973 and Master of Business Administration from the Golden Gate University, San Francisco, USA in 1987. Currently serves as a Board of in PERBANAS (Association of the National Bank) and IBI (Indonesian Bankers Association). It also actively in various banking activities and social.

gambar_ Daniel Budi Dharma

Daniel Budi Dharma


Indonesian citizen, born in 1944. Completed his education in the Faculty of Engineering of the Trisakti University majoring in Civil Engineering in 1966 and the Academy of Foreign Language of the Indonesia Putera Education in 1975.

gambar_Jenny Liem

Jenny Liem


Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta, 1969. Completed her education at Saint Mary Secretary and Management Academy, Jakarta in 1991.
