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Risk Monitoring Commitee

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Risk Monitoring Commitee

gambar_R.M. Sjariffudin

R.M. Sjariffudin


Indonesian citizen, born in Palembang, 1947. Completed his education in the Faculty of Economy of the Sriwijaya University majoring in Accountancy in 1974.

gambar_ Nancy Effendy

Nancy Effendy

Member Independent

Indonesian citizen, born in Tangerang, 1957. Completed her education in the Faculty of Economic of the Trisakti University in 1980.

gambar_ Tara Adelia Senjaya

Tara Adelia Senjaya

Member Independent

Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta, 1967. Completed his education in the Faculty of Economics major in Accounting of the Triksati University, in 1991.
