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Car Ownership Loan

Car Ownership Loan is prioritized for customers of Bank Bumi Arta (BBA) in need and is primarily intended for the purchase of four wheeled vehicles or better condition new and used vehicles specifically made in Japan and Europe for non-productive purposes


  • Ease of Credit Application    
  • Competitive Interest Rate Loan    
  • Term of loan up to 3 years    


  • Indonesian Citizen of at least 21 years old or married and a maximum of 55 years for employees and a maximum of 60 years for the self-employed / professionals at the time of loan maturity    
  • Having a steady job and a reasonable income as an employee or self-employed    
  • The amount of installment is of a maximum of 1/3 of the total income that can be verified    
  • NOT in the Customer of National Black List (DHN) and Bad Debt List       

Documents Required

1.  Individual

  •  A copy of Identity Card of the debtor
  • A copy of ID card of the spouse
  • A copy of family card
  • A copy of Marriage Certificate (for Customers who are married)
  • A copy of Land and Building Tax / Proof of electricity bill / deed of house purchase
  • A copy of Tax Identification Number (NPWP) for loans above Rp. 50 million
  • Current / Savings Account of the debtor for the last 3 months
  • Original Salary Slip for last 3 months (ESPECIALLY for Employee Customers)
  • Original Statement letter from the Company (ESPECIALLY for Employee Customers)
  • A copy of Practice License (ESPECIALLY for Professional Customers)
  • A copy of Business Permit (SIUP) and Company Registry Insignia (TDP) (ESPECIALLY for Self-employed Customers)    

2.  Company

  • A copy of NPWP, SIUP and TDP
  • Current Account for the last 3 months
  • A copy of the latest Statutes of Incorporation
  • A copy of the latest Deed of Endorsement from the Minister of Justice
  • A copy of Domicile Statement
  • A copy of Financial Statements for the last 2 years
  • A copy of the Management ID    
